Christy, a married mother of two shares her journey as someone living with policystic kidney disease and end stage renial failure.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A good day

Today was a good dialysis day..... I had been having problems that my blood pressure was too low after my three and a half hours... but today everything just seemed to go ok.

It felt strange though because I had been going at 8:30 am, but have been switched to 10:00... its good because I can get Hannah to school and come home to get ready, but I don't like finishing at 2:00...... it is really going to be a drag on Saturdays...... I think I will have those hours on Christmas Eve too..... I am not organized enough to be at the dialysis center on Christmas Eve.... however I guess it is better than Christmas Day!

A bunch of blood was taken today .... I was told that some of it was for tissue typing at Beth Isreal, so someone must have really come forward to be tested to be a donor!....... still trying not to get too excited!

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